September 16, 2009

Autumn Awesomeness

I love fall! 

It is my favorite time of the year.  As the beautiful season approaches next week, I have decided to reflect on some of my favorite fall things or activities.  Maybe you'll catch the spirit too! 
  • Short days - the sun rises later and sets earlier. - I love that.
  • Going for drives up the canyons with the windows rolled down and the heater turned on.
  • Pulling on a big, soft comfy sweater, climbing into a comfy chair, cup of chai tea at hand, and a good book.
  • Haunted Houses - that's right, I love 'em!
  • Halloween
  • Halloween Horror Flick Marathons!  Heck yes!
  • Corn Mazes
  • Family pictures with the changing leaves in the background.  They may be cheesy and overdone, but no matter who the family is in the picture they always look happy and cozy.
  • Changing leaves - of course!
  • Fall decorations.
  • The NFL season is in full swing. Go Steelers! 
  • The hustle and bustle of the holidays.
  • Chilly night air and the harvest moon.
  • Jumping in piles of raked leaves.  I know I'm not a kid anymore, but I think it's freakin' awesome!
  • THANKSGIVING - My favorite holiday, and this year I have lots to be thankful for.
As an added bonus, "New Moon" the second Twilight movie is opening November 20th! 

I love fall!

"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile." 
"Autumn is the hush before winter."

September 9, 2009

To My Sweetheart

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or the mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
E. E. Cummings
This is my all time favorite poem.  As of late, when I recall the words of this sweet poem, I think of only one person - an incredible man.  I feel blessed to have had him brought into my life and I am so grateful to him for all that he does for me and how truly loved he makes me feel.  I love you, Jim.

September 8, 2009

Mommy - Hurley Date Night

Hurley and I went out for a little date the other night. He accompanied me to the mall to exchange some school clothes for Hayden and on the way back home we stopped for an ice cream cone. Nothing too fancy, but I cherish the moments when I get to take them out individually for some one-on-one time. I'm hoping in the long run, they will each be able to look back on these simple times Mommy shared with them and enjoy the memories; maybe they will adopt this little tradition and pass it on to their own children.
Hurley has the cutest little voice! If you haven't ever heard it, you're missing out. I love asking him questions and having conversations with him. His personality is so amazing - He loves to be silly and make other people laugh.
He's getting so big, I've noticed in the last week or so, that the physical attributes that used to scream toddler (chubby little hands, chubby feet, round tummy, wobbly stride) are fading away, and he's just turning into a little boy now! It's makes me sad, but it also fills me with a great sense of pride.

Big Cheeser!

I asked Hurley to smile, so he did this instead.

Crazy Kisses.

The more the boys grow and the more independence they each gain, causes me to reflect on those sacred moments as a new mom: the restless nights, getting up for feedings, diaper changes, fevers, teething, general fussiness. All of these things that at the time scared me to death and made me feel so unprepared - I took for granted. I miss all of those things. I miss knowing that they depended on me for everything. Of course, I know my boys will always need their mom, but I'm beginning to see their paths unfold in front of them as they embark on their roads to adulthood.
I just pray that Hayden and Hurley will know how much their mom loves them and that she would do anything, even lay down her own life, for them. I absolutely love being a Mommy. I have never found a greater joy on this Earth.

September 3, 2009

Hayden's First Day of Kindergarten

Today it happened.
Today He left me standing all alone.
Today He showed me he was grown...
and no longer needed me to hold his hand.
Today He walked through that door...
and didn't look back to get my nod that everything would be ok.
He just went.
My oldest son, Hayden, started Kindergarten today. I can't believe how fast these last 5, almost 6 years, have gone by. He was so excited to go to school with all of the other big kids today. I had been excited for this day up until last Friday when I awakened with a knot in my gut. Suddenly, the reality that my baby wasn't a baby anymore hit me.
I woke him up this morning and we started the new routine: get up, do bathroom stuff, wash face, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth again, and do hair. Then we took a few pictures and headed to school!
When we arrived, Hayden was ecstatic to see his best friend Kaden who is in the other morning class. He firmly told me it was "unfair" that the two couldn't just play during school time. Karri, Kaden's mom, took a couple of pics of the boys together just as the bell rang and the kids had to line up. Hayden strolled off, when I stopped him and said, "Aren't you going to give me a hug?" He looked up at me with those big brown eyes and replied, "Ah Mom, there's kids around." Taken aback, and now feeling like I'd been stabbed in the heart, I proceeded to beg. He came back to me, put his arm around my waist, and just sort of head-butt me in the hip - in place of the hug I had been seeking. Beggars can't be choosers I guess, so I accepted it, and watched him head into his classroom to find his chair as directed by his teacher, Mrs. Homer.
Feeling proud of myself for not crying in public, I turned to see Karri crying about Kaden and there it was... that knot in my gut was back and I could feel the pools forming. I walked quickly back to my car, hopped in, ignited the engine, and burst into alligator tears followed by sobs. I had to call my sister for some comfort.
When I returned to the school 2 1/2 hours later to pick him up, he came bouncing from his class and told me, "That was great!" He was totally stoked for school and can't wait to go back.
Hayden, you are such an amazing little boy. I'm so proud of you and excited for this new journey in your life. I feel so blessed that our Heavenly Father entrusted me to be your Mommy. I love you to the moon and back, Doodle Bug.